Ladi Biosas Agrumato Orange | Alluring aroma of fresh peeled ripe oranges. Ideal for vinaigrette, salad dressings and dipping. Perfect with grilled salmon, seafood dishes, green salads, spinach, chicken. Delicious when is used to sauté shrimp or incorporated into an Asian inspired dish. Equally wonderful as a special flavor in chocolate baked cakes.
Ladi Biosas | Agrumato Orange _high premium extra virgin olive oil is produced in small quantities in a biological mill and the process is very tedious and labour-intensive. The olives are harvested entirely by hand and the organically grown oranges are carefully picked at the perfect point of ripeness. The olives and the fresh oranges are crushed simultaneously. The paste of the fruit with the olives is gently malaxe for about 45 minutes at a temperature below 27 C to
maintain the organoleptic characteristics of the Ladi Biosas Olive Oil.
The smell and flavor that pops up in the olive mill is the most relaxing essential after each production. Then the paste is pressed with a low pressure machine over a long period of time in order to extract the Agrumato Orange olive oil. The result is a very rare and precious delicate, bright, fresh, intense fruity aroma of Orange Olive Oil with an acidity level of 0.2% which brings it to the category of the Extrissimo of Olive Oils.
Pairs with: Soups, Dressings, Seafood, Chocolate cakes
Aroma: Orange, Fruity persistent, Peppery finish